Dental Implants

If you are looking to replace missing or damaged teeth, dental implants are an excellent option. They are the most natural looking restoration option , and unlike dentures, you don’t remove them for cleanings, and you can still eat the foods you love. You brush dental implants as you would with your natural teeth, chew food with them, and to the untrained eye, they appear to be the teeth you were born with. That’s why dental implants are the best option in dentistry outside of your natural teeth. If missing or damaged teeth have left you feeling self-conscious, restoration through dental implants is the perfect option to give you back your confidence, function and good looks
Dental implants are titanium roots that are implanted into your jawbone beneath your gums. Once in place, they provide a solid foundation to have a crown or Bridge on the implant.
The implant could replace one or Multiple Teeth , it is a surgical procedure That Takes time between Treatments yet it have the most Natural and aesthetic Outcome.
This question will be best answered after your initial consultation with your dentist , During the initial consultation, you will receive x-rays on the specific area of your mouth that will receive the implant. These x-rays will reveal to your dentist if the bone in the area is strong enough to support a dental implant. It will also reveal if there is enough room to place a dental implant in that region of your mouth.
During the initial consultation, your dentist will also go over your medical history with you. Since receiving a dental implant is a surgical procedure your dentist will want to be assured that you are physically capable of handling the procedure . If all looks well, your dentist will discuss and explain the procedure to you and schedule a surgery date with you.
How is an implant fitted?

A series of scans are taken by your dentist to aid in positioning the implant and to ensure you have plenty of healthy bone structure. If the bone is diseased or missing and there is not enough bone to support the implant, there is still a possibility of a bone graft in order to make an implant viable.

After Treatment planning and Measurements and the type of implant and size is selected ,The titanium implant is surgically placed in the bone of your jaw where a tooth once was. It is then left for between two and six months so the bone can grow around the implant. During this time you may wear a temporary crown  or Bridge on Top of the sutured area where the implant was placed a couple of follow up appointments will be scheduled to follow up on your Healing.

Once the implant is securely fused to the bone, the temporary crown is removed and a permanent crown is either cemented or screwed into place ,  healing and follow up appointments will be scheduled for follow up and cleaning and Maintenance of your dental Implants

If you are missing all of your teeth and wear a full denture, it is still possible to use dental implants to restore your smile. A full arch of natural-looking teeth can be held in place on  implants, These fit snugly to help make it feel comfortable and eliminate the need for daily removal and cleaning.

Implants create the most natural and life-like solution to a missing tooth. The result is virtually indistinguishable from your other teeth and in a very short space of time, it will likely feel completely normal. Other solutions for replacing missing teeth – either a bridge or dentures but they are not as long-lasting or natural-looking as the implants . Implants allow you to eat, speak and maintain an oral health regimen as if you had never lost a tooth in the first place.
One of the biggest advantages of dental implants is that they require no special after-care; simply brush, floss and visit your dentist as normal. Good oral hygiene, healthy gums and a twice yearly check-up are your implant’s best friends.
With proper oral hygiene, you can expect dental implants to last for a long time . However, it’s entirely possible for them to last a lifetime.yet it mainly depends on your General Health and Oral Hygiene that plays an important role in Implants health ,maintenance and longevity.

Call us today at 0242 025 481 to schedule an appointment!

We challenge people’s perception of Dentistry and remove the Anxiety factor , and bring the calmness factor to Dentistry , providing high quality, state of art Dentistry Delivering that care in a timely manner with the utmost compassion, Gentleness and concern for our patients , Partnering with our patients to ensure their comfort and expectations are consistently exceeded .

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